Saturday 1 March 2014

Malappuram is ISO tagged !!!

First municipal body in India for quality management.

Google 'Malappuram'. The initial search results from Wikipedia is like this "Malappuram is the first and only municipal body in the country to win an ISO 9001-2008 certification for quality management." Lets bid adieu for the tales of beard clad men and veiled woman who speaks strange Malayalam. Time has changed, so as the evolution of man. Malappuram municipality became the first municipality in India to get ISO 9001-2008 certificates. This is indeed a golden feather in the cap of Malappuram which is racing towards development day by day...

Kerala is waking up each day listening to the newer ventures and stories about the unity and team work of Malappuram. This victory is the result of effort under taken by the joint work of the bureaucracy and people of this district. ISO tag is given by International Organisation for Standardization. Malappuram is proud to be the first in India to be tagged for quality management.
It is for the first time in history that a municipality is getting this price for quality management. Namakkal in Tamil Nadu have got ISO tag (14001-2004) before for environment related activities and even some of the north Indian states for water management, but it is first time achievement for quality management that is making it noteworthy and writing it in golden letters in the history of Malappuram. 
It is the sheer hard work and perseverance of the past three years that gave Malappuram this tag. The 63 pointer formula given by Kerala government regarding file management, procedures regarding registering death and birth in the district,the accuracy and speed in solving each files, methods adopted for the collection of taxes, construction of new mansions etc were the key criteria adopted by ISO authorities.It is also first 'zero file' district in Kerala. The placement of CCTV cameras, punching system for attendance are also added features for attaining this target.The togetherness of people's representatives and the bureaucracy have resulted in a lifetime achievement for Malappuram.
The basic fact that service is not benevolence but a basic right is behind this triumph.

p.s : I am super excited about millions of students studying answer for the question "which is India's first ISO 9001-2008 certified municipal body for quality management?" Yeeayyy!!! Malappuram.

*With inputs from Malayala Manorama and The Hindu.

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